

IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn | 5-Sterne Hotel Österreich


Autumn pumpkin soup

Florian Keppelhofer is an apprentice chef with heart and soul. At the IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn, he is completing his apprenticeship as a gastronomy specialist, a double apprenticeship as a chef and restaurant specialist.

Florian is already in his 4th year of training and is currently working in the starter kitchen at Pichlarn Castle Kitchen. As a Garde Manger, he particularly appreciates the creativity and the fact that he can decide for himself which dishes he wants to prepare for our guests.

He created the fall pumpkin soup himself. The different spice ingredients provide rich flavor nuances. Stewing the soup instead of boiling it makes the flavor even more intense.


for 4 persons

500 g butternut squash or Hokkaido pumpkin

1 onion

100 g carrots

2 cloves garlic

3 sprigs of rosemary and thyme


Ginger, garlic, salt, pepper, nutmeg

1 tbsp lemon juice

2 pinches of turmeric

100 g cold butter flakes

100 g cream

500 ml vegetable stock

IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn | 5-Sterne Hotel Österreich
IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn | 5-Sterne Hotel Österreich

This is how it’s done

Cut the pumpkin, onions and carrots into pieces. With butternut squash, remove the skin before or, more simply, after stewing. The Hokkaido pumpkin can be used with the skin on.

Place on a deep baking tray together with the spices and a little water and cover. Braise in the oven at 180 degrees top bottom heat for approx. 45 minutes. Then remove the cover and braise for a further 15-20 minutes. This reduces the remaining water and produces fine roasted aromas.

If the butternut squash has been braised with the skin on, remove it now.

Place everything in a pan with the vegetable stock, heat and puree well with a hand blender. Then pass through a fine sieve.

Add the cold butter and cream. If the soup is too thick, use more vegetable stock.

Garnish with pumpkin seed oil, half-whipped cream and roasted pumpkin seeds.

Good luck and enjoy your meal

wishes Florian!

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